
The txtx CLI tool can be installed via our install script or through a manual build.

Homebrew (macOs)

To install txtx on a macOS system using Homebrew, open a terminal and run:

brew tap txtx/txtx
brew install txtx

Linux & macOS Build Script

To install txtx on a Linux or macOS system, open a terminal and run:

curl -sL | bash

Manual Installation

Platform-specific binaries are generated for all PRs into the main branch on the txtx repository. The build artifacts can be found by inspecting the CI runs in the repository's Github Actions.

To compile the Txtx binary from source, clone the txtx repository.

git clone

Navigate to the new directory.

cd txtx

Then, compile the binary. This command will compile the binary and store it in ~/.cargo/bin/txtx.

cargo txtx-install

Finally, make sure that the txtx binary is available on your PATH. This process will differ depending on your operating system.

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